QC Core Wellness Center

How I Turned My Injury into a Career of Chiropractic Care by Dr. Eduardo Marquez

I knew I always wanted to be in the health profession. During my last year at Augustana College I was involved in a car accident that left me unable to turn my head, and in extreme pain. I went to multiple medical doctors and had physical therapy, but after many months nothing helped except for muscle relaxers and pain killers. Knowing that I did not want to take medication for the rest of my life I knew I had to do something else. That is when Chiropractic was introduced to me, and after being treated, my issues were resolved. Also, I had low back pain that I thought was normal from playing football which got taken care of during my treatment. But it was while I was working at a handicapped development center, where I would commonly take patients to their chiropractic appointment, that I saw the amazing benefits of chiropractic care had for patients with disabilities. It was then I knew that Chiropractic was the profession for me.

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